How James Bond Got His Start in Jamaica

Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond series, fell in love with Jamaica instantly. (Really, how could you not?) He was sent to the island by the British Naval Intelligence (how very Bond of him). Fleming vowed to return to the island, and when the war ended he made good on his word—purchasing property and naming it GoldenEye. This land now exists as The Fleming Villa.
GoldenEye was more than just a home for Fleming. It was here that he penned the now legendary Bond series. He became friendly with the people who looked after his estate, like gardener Ramsey Dacosta. What was it like to work with one the most famous and prolific writers of the 20th century? Ramsey, as you’ll hear everyone call him, still works at GoldenEye—and he loves talking about his time working with Fleming.
Here, Ramsey shares memories of climbing coconut trees and making rice and peas for “the Commander” (what Ramsey calls Fleming to this day). He also recalls the moment he realized what the Commander was writing all those years down at the gazebo, and reveals how Fleming came up with the name “James Bond.” It’s definitely not what you’d expect!
Psssst…. we’ll be sharing more stories with Ramsey. Keep an eye out for the next video on #OUTPOSTINGS coming soon! #StoriesWithRamsey
Related links:
Ian Fleming – Official website
GoldenEye: Where Bond Was Born: Ian Fleming’s Jamaica – Novel by Matthew Parker
Birds of the West Indies – Purchase book on Amazon