Jamaica’s Natural Home Remedies

Walk through an open-air market in Jamaica, and you’re likely to hear Jamaicans shouting out unsolicited solutions to all of your health problems, real and imagined. We aren’t talking pills: It’s all about the natural remedies here, people!
When Island Outpost yoga instructor and spa director Sienna Creasy moved to Jamaica ten years ago, she was struck by this. “Jamaicans are so quick to offer an herb when you’re sick,” Creasy says. “It’s pretty amazing to find that on an island where people otherwise keep to themselves.” She listened to their advice, and now incorporates the island’s abundant herbs, fruits and vegetables into her spa treatments, as well as her own health regimen. Here, she shares her favorite natural health remedies, which you can try on the island or back at home.
Symptom: Joint inflammation
Jamaican natural remedy: Ginger
How it works:
We all know that ginger helps an upset stomach. Jamaicans will tell you ginger is also a great reliever of inflammation and joint pain. If your ankles hurt after a day spent surfing, paddleboarding or hiking, get your hands on literally anything ginger—tea, biscuits, ginger beer, smoothies or cookies. The more intense the flavor, the better: We like to cut up a big knob of fresh ginger and steep in hot water for a spicy tea.
Symptom: Mosquito bites
Jamaican natural remedy: Lemongrass oil extract
How it works:
Benefits of island living? The beach, fresh fruit and lush tropical greenery. The downside? Pesky mosquitos. Luckily, we have lemongrass or “fever grass” oil as many Jamaicans call it, which is a natural mosquito repellent. If you can’t find this at the health food store, you can Do-It-Yourself: Don’t worry, you won’t need a ton of ingredients and ten hands in the kitchen. It’s simple!
Symptom: Impotency
Natural remedy: Moringa
How it works:
The nutrient-packed moringa, a flowering plant native to the sub-Himalayas, is Jamaica’s latest must-try superfood. (Prediction: Coming soon to a Whole Foods near you!) We’ll keep things PG here, but moringa is known for increasing one’s sex drive. In fact, you’ll find moringa in Jamaican aphrodisiac tonics, many of which are sold at rum bars around the island.
Symptom: Common cold
Jamaican Natural remedy: Jamaican over-proof rum and lime juice
How it works:
We love our rum here in Jamaica, not only in rum punch, but to clear up congestion. Mix a cap-full of over-proof Jamaican rum with lime juice. Rub the mixture on your neck and chest, splash a little on your cheeks, and finally inhale the mixture. After you’ve completed the process a few times, go ahead and shoot down the leftover rum and lime juice—we were taught to never be wasteful!
Symptom: Constipation
Jamaican natural remedy: Caster oil and Jamaican beet juice
How it works:
The excitement of exploring a new destination and cuisine can make relieving yourself difficult. We understand: It happens to the best of us! Try mixing castor oil with beet juice. Castor oil is widely used as a laxative, while the beet juice masks the oil’s strong taste. It also tastes delicious.
Related links:
- Castor oil – Health benefits of castor oil.
- Lemongrass oil – Purchase Lemongrass oil here.
- Kuli Kuli – Learn more about moringa oleifera and its health benefits.