Blue Mountain Peak
To get the full effect of the 18 mile Blue Mountain Peak hike (9 there – 9 back), it is best to overnight at Whitfield Inn and leave for the peak at 2 am to arrive at 5:30 am in time for the sunrise. The change in altitude (from 3,500 ft. to 7,000 ft.) is tiring, but do not be daunted; pace yourself, take torches, food, water and a good pair of boots and you will be fine.
Costs will be confirmed depending on your requirements as we can offer you a number of options.
The forests are well preserved with all forms of ferns, lichens and trees along the way. As you ascend to 7,000 ft. the tree canopy gets shorter and more stunted. This is called Alpine Forest and a lot of the vegetation found here is endemic only to Jamaica.
The trail is well marked and there is a Ranger’s Station halfway up at Portland Gap, where you can take a break. The continual moisture that makes this incredible vegetation possible is also the greatest menace to viewing sunrises. On this day rain was avoided, but strong breeze and cloud prevented viewing the sunrise. On the descent, more time was taken to note the trees thick with Bromeliads and draped in mosses. This type of forest was at 5,000 ft. – 6,000 ft.
Though the cloud makes everything dark and mysterious, one suddenly walks underneath it and awesome views are exposed. It is well worth taking time and enjoying these panoramas.